Thursday, April 11, 2013

Christing Thursday April 11th, 2013


There are good and bad ways to deal with loneliness. Some people become a workaholic, devoting all of their time and energy to work. They suffer physically, emotionally and often times in their relationships. Others try materialism, shopping and buying and consuming all they can. If you were to be put on an island and told, “You can have anything you want except human contact,” how long do you think you would be happy? Others turn to alcohol, drugs or extramarital affairs. Still others sink into a deep depression fueled by their own negativity.

So what did Paul do to deal with the loneliness? The first thing he did was utilized his time wisely. Remember on Tuesday when he wrote to timothy and asked him to not only come to Rome to see him, but to bring things with him. Specifically Paul asked for his coat and his readings. If he was going to be stuck in a dark, damp, musty dungeon he was at least going to be comfortable and utilize his time wisely.

The second thing Paul did was to minimize the pain. Remember when Paul said that no one came to defend him, no one. None of the disciples that walked and preached with him were there that day when he needed them the most. But what did he do he shoes not to pity himself. He chose not to focus on how he had been wronged, he instead asked God not to hold it against them. He chose not to become bitter and resentful. We all know bitter and resentful people. People who have been legitimately wronged but who are unable to let it go, forgive and move on.

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